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Writer's pictureTim Twigg

I Called. You Answered.

When reading the story of Moses and the Exodus I can’t help think about the prayers. The prayers for deliverance. The prayers for justice. The prayers for freedom. The prayers for peace. The prayers for rest. The prayers for mercy. Some of them had never known these words in action. They’d only known captivity and they were convinced that captivity was normal. How do you convince someone of their need for something more when they feel like they are getting exactly what they deserve?

You may be familiar with these prayers. You may have prayed them before. You may be praying them right now. You may be so immersed with hopelessness that you’ve stopped praying them completely. After all, if God heard and He cared, why has He not answered them?

This is the problem, isn’t it? We see scripture after scripture, promise after promise to answer, yet we feel shunned. We feel neglected. We may even feel jealous as He pours out blessing after blessing on others.

I’m frustrated by this story and I’m moved emotionally by this story. “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt… I have heard them crying out… and I am concerned about their suffering.”

In moments of darkness I’d like to believe that somehow God had overlooked my plight, but I’d be wrong. God sees. God hears. God is concerned. God moves on our behalf. I’m not sure we will ever understand the simple complexity of God’s love. We can turn away from others and proclaim, “Because of what they’ve done, I don’t love them.” We can shout with conviction that, “I have fallen out of love with him/her.” But the reality is…


Our mistakes will never be enough for Father God to not love us. Our rejection will not make Him love us less. We can curse Him, hate Him, and turn our backs on Him, but His love is unconditional. It’s still there. I can’t imagine how hard that would be emotionally – to be abused, spit on, rejected, yet not be able to tame the unconditional love and passion for humanity.

I think what I hate about this story is that freedom didn’t help. God delivered His people physically but mentally, mentally they never let go of Egypt. They never learned the love of the Father. They constantly doubted His character, His provision, His faithfulness and in turn they searched for, fashioned, and praised the cheapest of substitutes.

This is the harsh negative of limited love. Love is within our control but we choose not to lead in it. Limited love is reactionary. Is this why we get angry when God doesn’t do as we think He should? Is it because our perspective of love could be wistfully inadequate? Is it because we think in err that somehow God could fall out of love with us? Is that why he hasn’t answered? Does my misery move Him? Does He even care?

Yes. He does. He has to. He has seen your misery, He has heard your crying, and He is moved with compassion and concern for your suffering. Hold on a little longer. Wait for Him. His love is… unfailing.

Psalm 143:8 – Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.

Exodus 15:13 – In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed.

Psalm 6:4 – Turn, Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.

Psalm 13:5 – But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

Psalm 94:18 – When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.

Those of you who are feeling hopeless right now, please hear me. If you call, He WILL answer. He’ll come to your rescue. Unfailing love beckons Him to us in an unavoidable way. 

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